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Relationship, Infidelity & Sexual Contact Tests
Know the truth. Bring your concerns to the UK's leading relationship polygraph experts for a professional, confidential and personalised polygraph examination of the person you suspect of being unfaithful. All polygraph examinations are developed around the client’s specific requests and adhere to strict confidentiality ensuring complete privacy.
Our fully accredited and experienced examiners specialise in Lie Detector Tests for all types of relationships where honesty and integrity have become an issue. Often there is no real physical evidence and no witnesses to confirm your suspicions. In these circumstances, a polygraph test will obtain the answers that are unobtainable from regular methods of inquiry. Answers can be confirmed to those questions which only the deceptive person has knowledge of.

Engaging in Any Sexual Activity (Sexual Contact or Sexual Intercourse)
Secretly Dating with Anyone
Illicit Sexual Relations
Engaging in Online Cyber Sex or Pornographic Activities
Communicating or Meeting Anyone from Social Media Platforms
Use of Escort or Prostitution Services
Examination Highlights


90 min - 120 min
95% to 98%
up to 3 Relevant
If you suspect that your partner is cheating on you and the trust in your relationship has been compromised, Lie Detector Test (Polygraph) is the most accurate way to resolve your suspicions. We administer the same type of polygraph exam regardless if it is a relationship issue, sexual abuse case or sex crime.
These appointments generally take 1½ to 2 hours. Prior to the testing the person is evaluated to determine their suitability to be tested. A calibration test is administered to evaluate the person’s suitability as well as to fix examinee's physiological baseline at the time of the test through which the expected nervousness or anxiety of the examinee will not affect the results.
Once the test is completed, the Examiner will evaluate the examination and will provide the verbal results. The client will receive a comprehensive written report within 24 hours after test completion.
Since (SPECIFIC DATE), apart from (SPECIFIC NAME), have you had sexual intercourse with anyone else?
Since (SPECIFIC DATE), apart from (SPECIFIC NAME), have you had oral sex with anyone else?
Since (SPECIFIC DATE), apart from (SPECIFIC NAME), have you passionately kissed anyone else?
Have you ever had sexual contact with (SPECIFIC NAME)?
Since (SPECIFIC DATE), have you communicated in any way with (SPECIFIC NAME)?
Have you ever used any pay-for-sex type service?
Since (SPECIFIC DATE), have you met in-person with anyone from the Tinder app?
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