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Top 12 Contact Questions:

1. What is a Lie Detector Test or Polygraph?

A polygraph is a diagnostic instrument used by a formally trained polygraph examiner for the purpose of collecting, measuring, and recording selected physiological data obtained from an examinee as he or she answers a series of questions relating to a specific issue — whether criminal, civil, or private. This data will then be analysed and evaluated.

2. How accurate is the Lie Detector Test?

We use a polygraph technique validated by scientific research. According to the American Polygraph Association, researchers conducted 12 studies of the validity of field examinations, following 2,174 field examinations, providing an average accuracy of 95% to 98% (see the research).

3. What kind of questions can be asked?

The polygraph test questions will vary according to the case issue but all questions are specific and pertinent to the issue to be resolved. Questions only require a “yes” or “no” answer and with no explanation or qualification. Click here for Sample Test Questions.

4. Can my nervousness or anxiety affect the test?

It is absolutely normal for anyone to be nervous about taking a lie detector test or polygraph examination and our competent examiners are aware of this fact. Nervous reactions recorded on the polygraph charts are not interpreted by the examiner as a manifestation of deception because the tracings of these reactions are very different from the psychophysiological patterns recorded when a person is deliberately lying.

5. Will I know what questions I'll be asked during the Test?

Yes. During the pre-test interview on the day of the test, the examiner will formulate and review with you (the examinee) all the questions that will be asked during the polygraph examination. There will be no surprise or trick questions.

6. Can I be forced to take a Lie Detector Test?

No one can be forced to undergo a polygraph test. The test is totally voluntary. To properly administer a polygraph examination, the examiner will need your volunteer assistance by signing a consent form prior to the test. If you do not want to submit to a lie detector test (polygraph examination), you can exercise your right of refusal at any time before or during the test.

7. How long does a Lie Detector Test last?

A Professional Lie Detector Test or Polygraph examination lasts about 2 hours. Some can last more or less time depending on the complexity of the issue under investigation. 

8. Can I be in the room during someone else's test?

No. In order to preserve a sterile environment, no one other than the examiner and examinee can be in the examination room during the procedure. Polygraph is a diagnostic procedure which can be adversely affected by distractions.

9. What if I can't get to your office?

We will travel to you for a Home/Office test in any location across the UK at no extra cost.

NOTE: For Home tests, be sure to have adequate facilities available. This includes a quiet private room for testing, free from clutter and distractions, with a table or desk and two chairs - one chair with fixed back and no wheels.

10. Can someone under age 18 take a Lie Detector Test?

Yes, but we must have written consent of a parent or guardian. However, we will not test anyone under 16 years.

11. Can medications or high blood pressure affect the result?

Contrary to some claims, drugs and prescription medications do not allow a person to "cheat" or "beat" a lie detector test.

A truthful answer is evident to the examiner even if the examinee suffers from high blood pressure.

Be sure to inform the examiner if you are being treated by a medical professional for any medical condition.

12. Can I "cheat" or "beat" the Lie Detector Test?

If you know you are being deceptive, the polygraph will detect that deception. Any APA qualified polygraph examiner will certainly detect deception. Furthermore, the computerised Lafayette polygraph instruments used by our firm have an accuracy rate between 95-98 percent and are used in with highly effective anti-countermeasure sensor allowing our accredited polygraph examiners to detect any countermeasures attempts.

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